TOOROCK Mobile Service Privacy Policy
These Terms of Service are governed and interpreted by the rights and obligations of "TOOROCK Mobile Service(TOOROCK) " and "Membership" and the responsibilities and obligations between "TOOROCK" and "Members". ", Provide other necessary matters.
Acceptance to Collection and Use of Personal information
Users(“you”) agree that ‘the TOOROCK’(“we”) may collect ‘personal information’ defined in the article 2 below when you use mobile sites, services and products of ‘the TOOROCK’.
We can share the collected and personal information with an outside firm. Except in cases below, we do not share the personal information with an outside firm.
We set a procedure to click a button of “I agree.” Or “I don’t agree” to our privacy policy or Terms of service, and your click to the button of “I agree.” constitutes agree to collecting personal information.
Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect
A. Collected personal information is separated to be identifiable, and we use any and all personal information, any other information which we collected from you for the purpose of providing services (Customer requests, notifications, development and marketing of various and new services, the current state of statistics in service usage for commercials, events and providing opportunities of participation).
B. We collect personal information as below when you use our mobile games.
- Necessary information
Cellular phone number, information of communication carrier and cellular phone, certification
record, payment record, registration number granted when you open an account, identifiable
information on social network such as Facebook/twitter/TOOROCK account, etc.
C. We collect personal information as below for events when you participate in them.
- Contact number, address for delivery of premiums according to winning in an event
- Identifiable information on social network such as Facebook/TOOROCK account, etc.
- Personal information provided in law when it is necessary to pay taxes and the public utilities' charge for receiving a free gift
(Name, address, resident registration number (collected in online/offline), post number, identifiable certificate)
D. Information as below can be automatically created to be collected in the process of using services and doing businesses
- Service usage record, login log, login IP information, login cellular phone number, transaction record, use suspension record
E. When you use charged services in a web site, information as below can be additionally
- When you charge on credit card in a web site: necessary information such as credit card company
name, card number, valid date, and so on
- When you charge on cellular phone/ARS in a web site: necessary information such as
communication carrier, cellular phone number, telephone number, payment authorization number
F. How we collect personal information
We collect personal information in methods as below.
- Counseling by phone or 1:1 quest, applying for free gift events, purchasing cash
- Certification in mobile games
The Purpose of Using Personal Information
The purposes of collecting and using each personal information are as below.
A. The purposes of collecting and using personal information when you use mobile games,
Providing services, performing contract and calculating charges, customer management and prevention of illegal use, making materials of usage statistics and marketing for the development of new services, utilization of commercials
※ Profile photos, nickname, and the like on social network such as Facebook/ twitter/ kakaotalk can be disclosed to users of other mobile games.
B The purposes of collecting and using personal information automatically created
Development and specialization of new services, providing service and running commercials according to features in demography
C. The purposes of collecting and using personal information when you use charged services
Identification and verification of payment information
D. The purposes of collecting and using personal information of a legal representative
Verifying whether a legal representative has agreed on collecting personal information of a child under 14 or not, and whether a legal representative has agreed on the payment of a minor under 20 or not.
Share and Offer of Personal Information
A. Except when explicitly provided in the privacy policy, we use your personal information solely within the purpose of collecting and using personal information, and we do not use for another purpose, or offer to the third party without your prior acceptance.
B. However, there are exceptions in case you have agreed priorly, or a governmental organ, an investigation agency which has a legal authority according to the procedure and method provided in law, and so on requests.
C. When we decide to offer your personal information for providing better services, we do after your prior acceptance expressing who receives the information, which information we offer, what the purpose of offering personal information is, and how long the associate company retain and use the offered personal information.
Entrustment of Handling Personal Information
We in person handle your personal information for protection of your important personal information. However, when we decide it is necessary for providing specialized services, we may entrust the handling personal information to an expertise institute going through the same procedures as in offering your personal information to the third party.
We entrust the handling personal information for performing services as below, and we provide necessary factors according to the related law so that personal information is managed safely in entrustment contract.
Entrustment companies and their works are as below.
Entrusted Company
Entrusted works
Period of retention and use of personal information
Sending SMS
Till you withdraw
or the entrustment Contact ends
Sending free gift(gifticon) in mobile
Till you receive free gift
or the entrustment contact ends
Sending free gift in events
Till you receive free gift
or the entrustment contact ends
Sending free gift in events and products
or bill by proxy
Till you receive free gift
or the entrustment contact ends
Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information
We make it a rule to destroy your personal information when the purposes of collection or being offered are fulfilled as below. But we preserve it for the specified period in each clause below when it is necessary to keep by related laws.
A. Copy of your identification or equivalent certificate: check and destroy immediately
B. Record concerning mark, commercials: 6 months
C. Record concerning contract or withdrawal of subscription: 5 years
D. Record concerning payment and supply of goods: 5 years
E. Record concerning dissatisfaction of customer or dealing with dispute: 3 years
F. For the purpose of entrusting investigation to juridical agencies protecting other users when you damage services by illegal use: 1 year
We should gain your acceptance in case we need to preserve more in spite of the retention period above.
Destroying Procedure and Method of Personal Information
We make it a rule to destroy immediately your personal information once the purposes of collection and use are fulfilled. Destroying procedures and methods are as below.
A.Destroying procedures
- After the purposes are fulfilled, information you input for joining, and so on is preserved for a certain period of time according to the reason of information protection by our policy and other related law (3. Referring Period of retention and use of personal information) and destroyed.
- We make it a rule to destroy immediately your personal information once the purposes of collection and use are fulfilled. Destroying procedures and methods are as below.
B. Destroying Methods
- Personal information output in paper is disintegrated by disintegrator or destroyed by incineration.
- Personal information saved in a type of electronic file is deleted by using technical method that we cannot reproduce the record.
Rights of Users and Legal Representatives, and Exercising Methods
A. You can click a button of ‘withdrawal’ in ‘setting’ in our websites or games, or withdraw the acceptance to collecting personal information by writing, calling, sending email, and so on to the person in charge of personal information management. And then we confirm your identification and take necessary measures such as destroying the personal information except provided otherwise in law.
But you should note that when the personal information is destroyed due to withdrawal, related information you have created and accumulated in using our services can be destroyed together.
B. You can request your reading and correcting your own personal information thorough our website or mobile customer center (1:1 quest, counseling by phone), and then we take necessary measures.
C. When your representative visits to request his reading and correcting, we confirm whether the representative is real. For the purpose of that, we can require him to show his certificate indicating the agent relation.
D. When there is a just reason to refuse your request in reading and correcting your personal information to the whole or a part of the information, we notice it to you immediately and explain why.
E. The alteration of necessary input information you provided can cause faults in our service. So we can require separated procedures concerning the alteration of your necessary input information to you for providing smooth and stable services.
F. A legal representative of a child under 14 can exercise equal rights to the information of himself and a child under 14.
Technical/ Managerial Protection Countermeasure of Personal Information
A. When we handle your personal information, we device technical/ managerial protection countermeasures of personal information as below for the procurement of safety so that personal information don’t be missed, stolen, leaked, falsified, or damaged.
- Password encryption
You solely can know your password because it is encrypted to be stored and managed. And
confirmation and alteration of personal information is as well solely possible by user who knows
his password.
- Countermeasures prepared for hacking, and so on
We do our best to prevent your personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or
computer virus.
We back up material frequently in preparation for the damage of personal information, and use
latest vaccine program for the prevention of leakage or damage of your personal information. We
use encrypted communication so that you transfer your personal information safely on network.
We control unauthorized approach from outside by using trespass block system, and we try to
equip all the possible technical devices for procuring security in other systematic methods
- Minimizing of handling workers and education
We restrict the handling work of personal information to the person in charge, and for the purpose
of that, we grant separated password to be renewed regularly. We educate the person in charge
frequently and always emphasize the compliance of privacy policy.
- Operation of organization fully in charge of protection of personal information
We confirm the practice of privacy policy and whether the person in charge complies or not through
the Operation of organization fully in charge of protection of personal information. When a problem
is found, we try to correct it immediately.
However, we are not responsible at all for the problems caused by leakage of personal information
like password, and so on. Due to your own carelessness or obstacles on network.
Director of Personal Information Management or Section in Charge of Personal Information
A. We do our best for your using safely, good services.
When accidents against what we notified to you caused by us in protecting personal information, the section handling troubles in personal information are fully responsible.
But we are not responsible for the damage, invasion, leakage of information caused by unprecedented accidents occurring due to the danger of the basic network such as hacking, despite complementary measures in technology and for each kinds of dispute aroused by posts visitors wrote.
B. We appoint the concerning section, director of personal information management, and person in charge of personal information management to protect your personal information and handle dissatisfaction related in personal information.
A Director of personal information management is as below.
Director of personal information management
Name: kyoung Heum Yeun
Position: CEO
Telephone: +82-031-8016-2050
person in charge of personal information management
Name: Yun Jung Park
Position: CMO
Telephone: +82-031-8016-2050
And if you need to notify or get counseling concerning personal information invasion, please ask institutes below.
- Korea Information Security Agency ( / 118)
- Korea information dispute meditation committee ( / 02-405-5150)
- Korea online privacy committee ( / 02-550-9531~2)
Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau ( / 02-3480-3571)
- Cyber Terror Response Center ( / 02-393-9112)
C. You can report all the complaints regarding personal information protection which occur while you use our services to the director of personal information management, or person in charge of personal information management, or to our customer center.
We will give a prompt and kind answer to your report.
Duty of notification
When there is an addition, deletion, or modification in current privacy policy, we will notify it through “notification” in a website at least 7 days before the modification.
Especially there is a change in your rights or important elements, we will notify it at least 30 days before.
- Notified date : Feb 28th, 2018
- Enforcement date: Feb 28th, 2018
We can provide links to websites or material of the third party companies.
In this case we are not responsible for the availability, credibility, legitimacy of services or materials you receive from them and disclaim warranty because we have no control to outside websites and materials.
When you click the links we offer and the page is transfered to another website, the privacy policy of the website has nothing to do with us so please check the policy of sites you visited.
<Additional clause> (Enforcement date) These terms are applied from 28th 02 2018.